Saturday, June 21, 2014

Time for a Little Fun.

I had an amazing time with my students at our pizza/bowling party.  I’m not a big bowler or pizza eater, but it was a blast! It never ceases to amaze me how much we can learn about our students each and every day, especially in a social setting. A big thanks goes out to East Coast Pizza for fitting us in last minute. The pizza was great and it was nice to see David Sanchez, a former Algebra 1 student of mine, working towards making his dreams come true.  When it was time for bowling, I cannot tell you how nervous I was, so silly, but true. I had to bowl and in front of my students! I am a terrible bowler, but this experience was great. The students were able to see a more human side of me and boy did they laugh a lot. We even have video of my amazing bowling skills! Yikes!! This really made me think about the students I have at the beginning of the year who are unsure and nervous. The creation of a safe, inviting environment is crucial to students’ success. I got over my fear and embarrassment and was able
to celebrate, clap, and cheer on the students as the made strike after strike; they were good! Being able to have true, nonacademic time with the students will be one of my most cherished moments as a their teacher. The students are amazing young men and women and they deserve for all of their teachers to get to know who they are, what are their dreams, and what they want out of life.

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