Saturday, June 21, 2014

It’s Time to Celebrate!

As if the surprise wasn’t enough, the days and weeks to follow were almost as good! My students and coworkers were amazingly supportive and excited for the recognition and prestige that accompanies the Fishman Prize. Throughout the day, signs popped up everywhere.

They are all so much fun! I loved reading what the students had written, encouragement and caring statements full of pride! When I think back to the big day and days to follow, tears still creep into my eyes. I never realized or imagined that my students would feel such a large part of this incredible honor, as I had wanted them to feel.  The students have such amazing insight into their own education. They deserve and want so much more than we are providing them with from 7:30 – 3:00pm!

That night I was surrounded by my family and closest coworkers at Little Harbor, one of our favorite local retreats. It was a beautiful night. Great company, the sun setting in the background, and dolphins playing in the water right in front of us. The perfect end to the perfect day! 

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