Saturday, June 14, 2014

The BIG Surprise!


District Photo Shoot
Mr. Horstman called me on Friday to let me know the district needed some more photographs for a PR project they were working on. “Ok, no problem” is what I said, but what I was really thinking was I hope I don’t get pulled out of class again. The first photo shoot was fun and comical, but we all know every minute counts. When the photographer came in the previous week I had to pose all around my classroom, without my students. No security in numbers. I was it. They got to sit in
their seats and watch the whole thing unfold. They had a great time watching me as the table was turned and I was given instructions, hand and on hip, arms crossed, move to the left, hold this book, smile.  Anyway… Monday morning I got up early to make sure my hair was just right for these additional photos. Florida humidity is not anyone’s hair’s best friend!  I decided to wear my favorite blue button down and black shirt with high heels. It never hurts adding a couple inches in height, right? 

Upon getting to school I saw Mrs. Freitas in the hallway pulling down posters from events past on the windows. I thought that was strange, but whatever, it was the seniors last day of school, an emotional one, and I was hoping they would all show up. Their Pen Pal Scrapbook was due and I did not want to chase any of the students down to get the final product. I was happily surprised, impressed even, that most of the seniors were in class that day, working hard to finish their projects. I walked around talking to each of them, soaking in our last day together. This group of AP Calculus students will always have a special place in my heart. I have taught most of them for three years. There are many that I have known longer because of siblings or cousins. It is amazing the student-teacher bonds that can develop over that long of a time period. Most of them can do a pretty good imitation of me! Needless to say, this was going to be a tough day, saying goodbye to my seniors. 

At one point during the period one of my students, I have no idea at this point who it was, said “why is Cris out in the hall,” (Cris Torres, a previous AP Calculus student and all around technological wizard). I immediately thought what does he need, who is he going to want to pull from class for an interview for the morning show, oh but I was wrong! I glanced out the window into the hall, and OH MY GOSH! It was happening!! I WON THE FISHMAN PRIZE! I couldn't believe it. Mr. Horstman (Principal of LHS), Ms. Freitas (Assistant Principal), Mr. Oest (former principal of LHS and the man who hired me seven years ago), Dr. and Mrs. Lennard (namesake of LHS), Mrs. Elia (Superintendent), and then the BIG surprise, my parents!
Surprised by my parents, Ed and Lauri
 I absolutely lost it!  I was so happy to see the two people who raised me to be the woman I am today. Thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes. I cannot put into words how amazing that moment was, and to share it with my parents, boyfriend (Travis Pilewski), department head and friend (Diana Wohlgamuth), seniors, and so many others was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! The events were straight out of a movie. I just needed Best Day of My Life by American Authors to be playing to make it complete (   I will forgive my students that pulled out their cellphones to record the event; I guess there should be exceptions to the “I see it, I take it” rule sometimes. I am so grateful to those who took the amazing pictures and video!

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