Wednesday, July 23, 2014

AP Calculus to the Rescue!

In the midst of writing my… I don’t even know what draft I’m actually on… Fishman Essay, I just needed to pause and send out a huge THANK YOU to my AP Calculus students from last year. As the AP Calculus exam drew nearer, I had asked everyone to contribute to a playlist for our breakfast the day of the AP test. I know you all thought it was silly, but it broke the silence while you filled your bellies with nutritious food and helped calm you nerves that crazy morning and it has come in handy once again! 

Throughout the process of writing and writing and writing (I didn’t know you could have this many drafts and revisions!) I have called upon our playlist to help get me through the frustration and the maddening cursor that just keeps blinking, taunting me when I have nothing more to write.

 So, thank you!

 And if you’re ever in need of a pick me up, check out our 2014 AP Calculus Playlist:

*Please note only “clean” versions of the songs listed above were used   

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sunny California - Part 1

Great view from the window seat!
Talk about WOW! This trip to Palo Alto has been nothing short of amazing. Now, the flights were not necessarily enjoyable, but I've had worse and I was able to almost finish two books! Pretty crazy. I do have an obsession with classic movies so it should be no surprise that I am frantically reading Pride and Prejudice and can't wait to get home to watch the movie again, the original of course. The remake is good too, but you can't beat the 1940's film with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier. Oh, Mr. Darcy...

So San Francisco, San Jose, Mountain View, and Palo Alto all made for a wonderful, beautiful trip.  I have never been in the presence of such amazing people in education, or just in general. Laura, Steve, and Mike are such an honor to be around. Their passion and drive are inspiring and I learn something new every time I see them. Getting the chance to read and share our first drafts of our Fishman Prize essays was nerve racking, but incredibly helpful. I have definitely struggled throughout this process and am getting a BIG reminder of what my students go through each day. I can't wait to see these published because there is something for everyone in each of these essays.

Meeting all the multi-millionaires and influential people in education on our trip was pretty fantastic too! One of the highlights for me was meeting Ann Bowers who is Chair of the Board and the co-founding trustee of the Noyce Foundation, which is focused on  improving math and science instruction and learning in public schools. Having lunch and getting to chat with such a strong, influential woman who embraces math and science and understands the need to make these subjects more accessible to woman was inspiring. Her stories were funny and ideas are brilliant. I hope to hear more from her, maybe if she's in the Tampa area we could show her first hand what the LHS Longhorns are capable of!

Our second stop was to the Emerson Collective where we were able to spend time with Russlynn Ali and had a surprise visit from Laurene Powell Jobs.  These are two of the most beautiful women I have ever met and demand attention when they enter a room even saying a word. From talking with both of them it is clear they want every student to not only have access to education, but equal access to amazing teachers. To be asked questions and be able to share our thoughts and feel valued is an indescribable feeling and I hope that I offer that experience to my students every day! We also enjoyed the art instillation in their offices that takes a photo booth type picture and prints it out poster size! There should always be time for a little fun. :)

Sunny California Part II coming soon... I don't wait to miss my flight home. CA has been fun, but there is no place like home.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's Time to Write

Oh my! I have forgotten how challenging, tough, revealing, hard, puzzling, exciting, frustrating, time consuming, powerful, insightful, what other adjectives can I come up with... writing is. I am so happy to be honored as one of the TNTP Fishman Prize Winners and am so happy to share this experience. Part of winning the Fishman Prize is writing an essay about how I achieve extraordinary results in my classroom. Let me just say I have not had to write a substantial document for years and am thoroughly enjoying this experience!

Now deciding what to write about is definitely the hard part. What is it that sets my classroom apart? What makes what I do different? Thinking about what you do everyday and what makes it different... you wouldn't think it would be so difficult.  So what have I done? Talk and talk and talk... talking it out is the best thing for me. I'm talking to myself, my dogs, Travis, my mom, dad, Chris from TNTP anybody who will listen really. I'm sure they are dreading the phone calls at this point, but talking about my classroom, my amazing students, and all the intricacies has made a huge difference in my life already.

Teaching is what I do. It is what I do everyday. It has never been a job for me. It has only been an incredibly rewarding career. I hope that I can share some insight into the lives and experiences for my students and do them justice.

I've gotten through my first draft and will be reading it to the other winners on our trip to Palo Alto... wish me luck! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

And the Streak Continues...

PreCalculus Students - Pd 2
Congratulations are in order for my super star PreCalculus students! We've done it once again, dominated the PreCalculus County Exam scores. I couldn't be more proud of these amazing students (in no particular order):  Cole, Skye, Carolina, Dandy, Maria, Daisy, Araceli, Alexis S., Abby, Jade, Alex Ch, Adonys, Anqi, Elva, Taylor, Racheal, Alex Cl, Devon, Yovan, Ashlyn, Teagan, Iliana, Dawan, Rythum, Chad, John, Alison, Kevin, Martti, Paul, Danae, Rosa, Jonathan, Arely, Vanessa, Diana, Josh, Leticia, Raul, Tiffany, Jordan, Robert, and Fatima.

PreCalculus Students - Pd 3
Together, these students have worked incredibly hard to earn the right to saying they are the BEST PreCalculus classes in the county! And... to top it all off, they not only were #1, beating all 26 other high schools, but their average was 7 points higher than the #2 school. Pretty amazing! I love seeing Lennard at the top. 

So I think I can wrap this up with my favorite L-Block cheer:
"Everbody, everybody say what ... Everybody wants to be a LONGHORN!"

Other amazing exam scores coming from the LHS Math Department:
Analytic Geometry - #1
Algebra 2 Honors - #2
AP Statistics - #2
Algebra 2 - #9
Advanced Topics - #10. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New York, New York!

Claude Monet's Bridge Over  a Pond of Water Lilies
One of my favorite intro songs to a movie is "New York" by Alfred Newman in the Lauren Bacall, Bette Grable and Marylin Monroe movie, How to Marry a Millionaire. New York, New York,.... I know you all aren't classic movie fans like myself, but this one is definitely in my top 20 and the song encapsulates how amazing the TNTP Fishman Prize trip to New York really was!

Good company, amazing food (Colonie and Frankies, Brooklyn), awesome audiences hanging on to our every word, and beautiful weather (until 6pm on Wednesday when I was trying to fly home, let's just say JFK is not the most interesting place to get stranded due to Tropical Storm Arther, soon to graduate to hurricane status). Why I chose to stay a few extra hours, The MET. Was it worth? I'll have to decide that when I get home to Tampa, 2am? 3am? never? Still, I can't help but love The MET. Every time I walk into the Impressionist Wing I become giddy with a smile from ear to ear. I just can't help it. I could sit there for hours! Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, I can't get enough!

Ok, but the real reason for this post is to talk about the amazing experiences from the NY trip.Starting the trip out will a letter from Michelle Obama is pretty impressive! From there we we got to chat and get to know one another more. The TNTP team is so talented and I feel so luck to be a part of it! David Keeling, Chris Arnold, and Tiffany Chen have it covered from start to finish. Their passion for their work at TNTP and with the Fishman Prize winners is displayed in energy that is infectious. You can't sit in a room with the three of them an not laugh and smile. The same can be said for the other Fishman Prize winners, Laura Strait (4th grade), Steven Sanders (band), and Mike Towne (physics).

Spending quality time with these amazing people has changed my life. I love teaching and can't imagine a life without it, but the conversations and close readings will not be forgotten. Have you ever done a "close reading?" Me either, until Monday, and boy I did not know what I was getting myself into! I felt like such a student, but it was fantastic regardless of the intitial pain. :) I would highly recommend reading The Irreplaceables and Shortchanged, when it is released. Bored to Death by Amanda Ripley was also pretty interesting. Have you ever wondered if your students were tweeting during class? The article brings up some alarming statistics. A Gallup poll found that one out of every two teenagers in the US choose the word "bored" to describe their school. Another study of 467 high school dropouts found that nearly half said boredom was a major factor in their quitting school. This is crazy! I think my class is pretty engaging, but I will be checking twitter a little more frequently to see what students are saying.

What a week! Tuesday was packed with video calls to John King, New York Commissioner of Education, and Doug Lamov, author of Teach Like a Champion. We even took a trip to Collegeboard. I loved it! Put me at the front of a room with 40+ people asking questions and listening to every word and I am almost as happy as I am The MET. Maybe public speaking will be in my future! It is so difficult to express in word the feelings and emotions that are accompanied with being surrounded by passionate educators and leaders in the education field. I have never quite experienced this to such a high degree. I will hang on to these memories forever!

Next up, first draft of my TNTP essay. A huge thank you to my AP English teacher from Anthony Wayne HS, Dr. Berta! I confident that I can make him, and myself proud.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's all real now!

Today I got my Fishman Prize check! All $25,000! It was incredibly exciting and made this experience real. I have been working on my pre-reading materials for our first trip in New York City and I am ready! I can't wait to listen, learn, and share with other amazing educators and leaders in the education field.

Off to Europe for a some fun with my family, then on to NYC! What a great way to spend your summer.

Time for a Little Fun.

I had an amazing time with my students at our pizza/bowling party.  I’m not a big bowler or pizza eater, but it was a blast! It never ceases to amaze me how much we can learn about our students each and every day, especially in a social setting. A big thanks goes out to East Coast Pizza for fitting us in last minute. The pizza was great and it was nice to see David Sanchez, a former Algebra 1 student of mine, working towards making his dreams come true.  When it was time for bowling, I cannot tell you how nervous I was, so silly, but true. I had to bowl and in front of my students! I am a terrible bowler, but this experience was great. The students were able to see a more human side of me and boy did they laugh a lot. We even have video of my amazing bowling skills! Yikes!! This really made me think about the students I have at the beginning of the year who are unsure and nervous. The creation of a safe, inviting environment is crucial to students’ success. I got over my fear and embarrassment and was able
to celebrate, clap, and cheer on the students as the made strike after strike; they were good! Being able to have true, nonacademic time with the students will be one of my most cherished moments as a their teacher. The students are amazing young men and women and they deserve for all of their teachers to get to know who they are, what are their dreams, and what they want out of life.