Wednesday, July 23, 2014

AP Calculus to the Rescue!

In the midst of writing my… I don’t even know what draft I’m actually on… Fishman Essay, I just needed to pause and send out a huge THANK YOU to my AP Calculus students from last year. As the AP Calculus exam drew nearer, I had asked everyone to contribute to a playlist for our breakfast the day of the AP test. I know you all thought it was silly, but it broke the silence while you filled your bellies with nutritious food and helped calm you nerves that crazy morning and it has come in handy once again! 

Throughout the process of writing and writing and writing (I didn’t know you could have this many drafts and revisions!) I have called upon our playlist to help get me through the frustration and the maddening cursor that just keeps blinking, taunting me when I have nothing more to write.

 So, thank you!

 And if you’re ever in need of a pick me up, check out our 2014 AP Calculus Playlist:

*Please note only “clean” versions of the songs listed above were used   

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